What is a cholesterol? cholesterol?Cholesterol is a fatty compound complexes, of which 80% is generated from within the body (liver) and 20% were outside the body dar (nutrients)cholesterol contained in the food we eat can increase cholesterol levels in the blood, but if revenue is balanced by the need for our bodies to remain healthy, cholesterol does not dissolve in the blood fluid for it to be sent throughout the body needs protein packed together into particles called lipoproteins which is considered as a carrier of cholesterol in the blood.
Excess cholesterol can spur other diseases arise in our body such as high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, gallstones, fatty can get into the blood vessels and stick to the walls of the blood vessels so that blood vessels become narrow, it causes the heart to work harder to circulate blood throughout the body so that the blood pressure becomes high, over time pembenyukan cholesterol in the blood vessel walls can block the flow of blood vessels is what can lead to stroke very berbaaya and when this happens the buildup of cholesterol in the veins of the heart, this can trigger a heart attack is very deadly.People who experience mild cholesterol symptoms usually do not show significant symptoms, but in those who experience specific symptoms of high cholesterol will show symptoms, such as:
Pain relief, sometimes soreness in the neck of the head or neck
Sometimes sore in the shoulder area
Leg swelling
Easy to feel tired and exhausted
Easy to feel sleepycauses of high cholesterolnormal value levels of cholesterol in the body is <200 mg / dl for total cholesterol, <100 mg / dl for LDL cholesterol (the kind that can clog your arteries if excessive) and> 50 mg / dL for HDL (the kind that helps cleanse the fat from your blood) you have to keep HDL remains high because associated with a lower risk of heart disease.jikakadar cholesterol does not correspond to the normal range is often referred to as high cholesterol.what causes high cholesterol?the cause can vary, but the most important factor considered is the food, especially for those of you who have over 50 years old it's worth keeping pla healthy and balanced diet by avoiding foods containing saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol.below is a list of foods that contain high cholesterol:
mutton, beef and fish
seafood (squid, crab, shrimp, clams, snails, etc.)
all food bersantan
offal, beef and goat leather
cheese, milk, butter, brown
egg yolk, egg birds and quail
fried and butterin addition to dietary factors there are other factors that cause cholesterol such as,
less physical activity
age, cholesterol increases after the age of 20 years
a family history of high cholesterol
Other diseases such as hypotiroid that DND can improve cholesterol levels
for the treatment of cholesterol in a way that is easy, safe and inexpensive course we could take advantage of existing plants around as I will discuss this time, the plant leaves, herbs this one is not only useful as a flavoring in cooking but was also able to treat the disease mebahayakan enough as high cholesterol, easily leaves made into a delicious traditional beverage.ways of making:boil as much water as the 600cc and input 7 bay leaves and leaf 30gr ceremai, boil the mixture until the remaining 300cc and consume every day on a regular basis.By using this traditional medicine, you can feel the benefits after approximately 3 weeks. It uses traditional means relatively longer when compared with chemical drugs.
some of the steps we need to do to prevent and decrease cholesterol:
maintain a healthy and balanced diet
consumption of vegetables and fruits because the fibers mampumengurangi food fat absorption in the small intestine, other than that we should limit consumption of high-fat foods.
cuckup physical activities in accordance with the ideal body weight
do not smokeessentially live a healthy lifestyle so that we avoid not only of cholesterol disease but also of various other diseases.